Integrated resource management plan combining STELLA and Goal Programming models
The primary objective of this study was to develop mathematical
models with existing computer programs and to use these models
to assist in providing useful information for multiple use planning.
Two different models were used: 1) a system dynamic model
(STELLA) and 2) Goal programming (GP). These two types of the
models were combined to complement each other. Timber, wildlife
(represented by moose), and forest aesthetics were selected as the
three variables in this study. The modelling approaches of the two
models were discussed. The STELLA model was developed based on
past experience and knowledge, while the GP model was formulated
based on the simulation results of the STELLA model. Gross merchantable
timber and the dry weight of browse were used as goals
in the GP model. Area constraints in the sensitive area (SA) zone
were used to indicate aesthetic potential. The use of the two models
was illustrated with a case study area, which is located in management
unit 030 of Abitibi-Spruce River Forest, Northwestern Ontario.
A thirty-year planning horizon and three management alternatives
were employed. The results show that the STELLA model can help
the forest manager to better his understandings of forest dynamic
behaviour, and the solution of the GP model was improved by the
reasonable goal levels set by using the simulation results from the
STELLA model. As a result, the combination of two models made
the integrated resource management planning more suitable and
- Retrospective theses [1605]